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New Mexico . USA

Best Places to visit in New Mexico

Capital - Santa Fe

No. of Counties - 33

Population - 2,117,522

Area - 121,591 sq mi (314,915 km2) sqkm

Pop. Density - 17.2/sq mi (6.62/km2)

Median Household Income - $51,945

Official Website -

About - New Mexico

New Mexico, located in the southwestern region of the United States, has a rich cultural heritage and diverse geography. Here are some key facts about the state:

  1. Capital: Santa Fe is the capital city of New Mexico, making it the oldest state capital in the United States. It was founded in 1610.

  2. Largest City: Albuquerque is the largest city in New Mexico and is known for its vibrant arts scene, cultural festivals, and hot air balloon fiesta.

  3. Nickname: New Mexico is often called the "Land of Enchantment" due to its scenic beauty, diverse landscapes, and cultural richness.

  4. Statehood: New Mexico became the 47th state of the United States on January 6, 1912.

  5. Geography: The state has a diverse geography, including deserts, high plains, mountains, and forests. The Rocky Mountains, the Chihuahuan Desert, and the Rio Grande are some notable features.

  6. Population: As of my last update, New Mexico has a population of around 2.1 million people.

  7. Culture: New Mexico has a rich cultural heritage, influenced by Native American, Hispanic, and Anglo-American traditions. Its art, cuisine, music, and festivals reflect this diverse cultural tapestry.

  8. Economy: The economy of New Mexico is diverse, with industries such as oil and gas production, agriculture, mining, tourism, and technology playing significant roles.

  9. Tourism: The state attracts visitors with its stunning natural landscapes, including national parks such as Carlsbad Caverns and White Sands, historic sites like Taos Pueblo and Chaco Culture National Historical Park, and cultural events such as the Santa Fe Indian Market.

  10. Government: New Mexico has a governor-led government with a bicameral legislature. It has two senators representing it in the United States Senate and three representatives in the House of Representatives.

These are just some key facts about New Mexico, a state known for its beauty, culture, and unique blend of traditions.

New Mexico Map