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Oregon . USA

Best Places to visit in Oregon

Capital - Salem

No. of Counties - 36

Population - 4,246,155

Area - 98,381 sq mi (254,806 km2) sqkm

Pop. Density - 39.9/sq mi (15.0/km2)

Median Household Income - $71,562

Official Website -

About - Oregon

Here are some key facts about the state of Oregon:

  1. Location: Oregon is located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is bordered by Washington to the north, Idaho to the east, Nevada and California to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

  2. Capital: The capital of Oregon is Salem.

  3. Largest City: Portland is the largest city in Oregon and is known for its vibrant culture, food scene, and outdoor activities.

  4. Nicknames: Oregon is often called "The Beaver State" due to the significance of beavers in its history, and also "The Pacific Wonderland" because of its diverse landscapes.

  5. Statehood: Oregon became the 33rd state to join the Union on February 14, 1859.

  6. Area and Population: Oregon covers an area of approximately 98,381 square miles (about 254,800 square kilometers) and has a population of around 4.2 million people (as of my last update).

  7. Natural Beauty: Oregon is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, including the rugged coastline, dense forests, volcanic peaks such as Mount Hood and Mount Bachelor, and the scenic Columbia River Gorge.

  8. Climate: Oregon's climate varies significantly across different regions of the state. Western Oregon generally experiences a mild, wet climate, while eastern Oregon tends to be drier with more extreme temperature variations.

  9. Economy: Oregon's economy is diverse, with major industries including technology, manufacturing, agriculture (especially berries, wine, and Christmas trees), forestry, and tourism.

  10. Higher Education: Oregon is home to several notable universities and colleges, including the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon State University in Corvallis, and Portland State University in Portland.

  11. Political Leanings: Oregon is often considered a politically progressive state, particularly in the urban areas, with a strong environmental and sustainability ethos.

  12. Landmarks: Some famous landmarks in Oregon include Crater Lake National Park, the Oregon Trail, Multnomah Falls, and the Oregon Coast.

These are just some highlights of what makes Oregon unique!

Oregon Map