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South Carolina . USA

Best Places to visit in South Carolina

Capital - Columbia

No. of Counties - 46

Population - 5,282,634

Area - 32,020 sq mi (82,932 km2) sqkm

Pop. Density - 175.45/sq mi (67.74/km2)

Median Household Income - $50,570

Official Website -

About - South Carolina

Here are some key facts about South Carolina:

  1. Capital: Columbia
  2. Statehood: South Carolina became the 8th state of the United States on May 23, 1788.
  3. Location: It is located in the southeastern region of the United States, bordered by North Carolina to the north, Georgia to the southwest, and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast.
  4. Population: As of my last update, South Carolina had a population of over 5 million people.
  5. Nickname: The Palmetto State, due to the presence of palmetto trees throughout the state.
  6. State Bird: Carolina Wren
  7. State Flower: Yellow Jessamine
  8. Economy: Historically known for agriculture, particularly cotton and tobacco, South Carolina's economy has diversified over the years. Today, it includes manufacturing (notably automobiles and textiles), tourism, and service industries.
  9. History: South Carolina played a significant role in the American Revolutionary War and was the first state to secede from the Union in 1860, leading to the Civil War.
  10. Higher Education: It is home to several notable universities and colleges, including the University of South Carolina, Clemson University, and the College of Charleston.
  11. Geography: The state features diverse geography, including coastal plains, marshes, sandhills, and the Blue Ridge Mountains in the northwest.
  12. Climate: South Carolina generally has a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters, though temperatures and weather patterns can vary across the state.

These are just some highlights, but South Carolina has a rich history and culture worth exploring in more detail!

South Carolina Map